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home Instead

Home Instead Case Study

Home Instead is an award-winning care business specialising in home care for the elderly for over 24 years.

We were approached by the Beverley and Hull branch to help them design their new ‘What’s On’ booklet, which would be distributed around the local area.

– Graphic Design

Creative Services

We have worked closely with Home Instead to create and outsource printing of a booklet. A full set of brand guides were provided before work started.

Booklet Design

We were tasked by Home Instead to work on their latest edition of the ‘What’s On’ booklet that would be printed and distributed in the local area. We were provided with a set of guidelines and chosen photography from the company that stays within their brand. After looking at previous editions, we advised Home Instead to move forward with a more user-friendly size of print and a larger text size so it would be more beneficial for their audience. From this, using their brand guides as inspiration, we produced a clean and easy to follow guide for local older people, which also included important articles.

Home Instead What On Guide

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