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Our websites are different – not only because we are skilled at designing, building, and marketing them, but also because we take the time to understand and work with you in a way that many website companies do not.

Bespoke Websites

All our websites are researched, planned, designed and developed with your company in mind. We never work with pre-designed templates or use page builder tools (like Divi or Elementor). Whilst they can be a good first step for very small businesses which has a computer savvy individual in their ranks, they soon become a burden when the pre designed blocks need to stretch to serve your specific content requirements.

We take this black and white position for a number of reasons:

  1. You benefit: No one wants a website that looks just like their competitor’s. No one wants their brand and ethos to be an after thought. Stock templates and tired layouts reflect badly on your company, they show a lack of interest in how you have chosen to position yourself in the marketplace.
  2. The user benefits: Template sites come with a lot of extra code and baggage to support functionality you will never use. This code slows down the site for the user, making it frustrating to use.
  3. We benefit: Making page builder tools conform with code standards, meet search engine requirements and behave properly when maintaining content is very time consuming.


We can help

“Our website is so slow!”

Contact us today for a free website audit. We will explain the main causes for a slow website, and present some suggestions to improve or fix the problem.

“Our website doesn’t convert!”

Your website needs to achieve it’s objectives. Whether that be enquiries, sales, hits etc, we can help identify and measure key metrics, then action changes to improve them.

“Our website can’t do {x}…”

We love interesting problems. If you can imagine it, we can create it either on an existing code base or a new one depending on the requirements and specification.

“Our website looks a mess!”

If not carefully managed, websites degrade over time. Little changes and updates here and there can overstretch the original design. Let’s chat about how we can fix it.

Our Process

01. Initial Meeting

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We learn about why you need web development expertise. What problems are you currently facing? What are the objectives of the project? What is the scope and budget for the project? What has been accomplished in the past that worked well or that needs to be approved upon?

03. Website Design

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The design of the website is less about shapes and colours, and more about communicating your brand, company ethos, aiding the user experience and achieving the project’s clearly defined objectives.

02. Planning &

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Identifying the project’s aims, objectives and parameters before design is essential for a successful website. These factors will shape the design, and how we plan for the user to interact with the site.

05. Content &

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Content is king. Both for your users and search engines. Work to write compelling copy will have started soon after we have been awarded the contract, at this point we build out the needed pages and sections.

03. Website Design

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The design of the website is less about shapes and colours, and more about communicating your brand, company ethos, aiding the user experience and achieving the project’s clearly defined objectives.

02. Planning &

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Identifying the project’s aims, objectives and parameters before design is essential for a successful website. These factors will shape the design, and how we plan for the user to interact with the site.

04. Website

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Once the design concepts for all the key pages and elements have been agreed upon, work begins to develop those composition layouts into something that works on the web, complying with best practice standards.

04. Website

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Once the design concepts for all the key pages and elements have been agreed upon, work begins to develop those composition layouts into something that works on the web, complying with best practice standards.

05. Content &

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Content is king. Both for your users and search engines. Work to write compelling copy will have started soon after we have been awarded the contract, at this point we build out the needed pages and sections.

06. Website Launch

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We have a number of strategies when releasing the website to the public, depending on if the site is a brand new web property, or if it is a redevelopment. As a minimum, we now get to work on our 20 point ‘Go Live’ plan.

Responsive Websites

All our websites are mobile friendly. Some of our websites are designed using ‘mobile first’ methodology.

A public facing website needs to be viewable on devices with screens of all sizes, responsive design adapts to the space available. It is an absolute requirement, regardless of the sector or target market.

To make projects useful on mobile devices, they all follow these main principles, our responsive websites:

  1. Do not hide content from smaller screens. We know that regardless of how users are accessing your website (be it on their phone or their desktop computer) they all need the same information to be able to motivate them to use your site in the way you hope.
  2. Prioritise load speed. Mobile devices are not just limited by their smaller screen, but also network connectivity. Loading lots of unnecessary code or serving high resolution images can impact load speed.
  3. Do not embed text within images. Images shrink down to fit the viewport width, lots of text embedded within images are not accessible to screen readers, and become inaccessible to all users if scaled down small enough.

E-Commerce Websites

All our e-commerce websites are optimised, secure and designed to provide a good return on investment.

We have helped scores of local and national businesses harness the power of WooCommerce, Magento and Shopify to sell online. We can help you identify which sales platform will be best suited for your needs and develop a solid 6, 12 or 24-month plan to ensure a good ROI.

We help you get e-commerce right, avoiding common missteps and pitfalls like:

  1. Costly maintenance packages quickly absorb all the gains made from new sales. We give solid advice to ensure you are not over-provisioned with features provided by more complex software packages that require lots of active patching, maintenance and manual upgrades.
  2. GDPR headaches can arise as e-commerce websites capture and retain lots of identifiable data. Our secure, PCI-compliant hosting, and optional auto archiving of customer data can prevent large scale data breaches, and absolve you of related red tape.
  3. Unnecessary platform migrations are required when it becomes apparent mid-term that the development work carried out has been targeted at the wrong platform. We have a full consultation to discuss your mid to long term aims to ensure the right platform is chosen at the outset.

108 Harley Street

E-commerce Website Design & Development, Hosting

Achtis Group

E-commerce Website Design & Development, Hosting


Website Design & Development, Hosting, Graphic Design

Bundle & Rust

E-commerce Website Design & Development, Digital Strategy, Copywriting, Hosting, Photography, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Social Media, Google Rankings

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