Photography camera icon

A picture says a thousand words, a video can say even more. In the current age of smart phones and cheap digital cameras, it is tempting to take a DIY approach to business photography – but beware! The quality of the photography on your website and in brochures and flyers will reflect heavily on your professionalism, so think seriously about the impression you want to make. We love great photography (and so we should – we have a professional photographer on our team!), and we can provide you with some fantastic photos at very cost effective prices.

Commercial Photography

Whether it’s for use on your website, social media or on your marketing materials, we provide all kinds of commercial photography.

We have photographed food, wine, beer, jewellery, ice-cream parlours, animals, glamping sites, kitchens, factories, farm machinery, retail locations and of course lot’s of people to name but a few…!

We work closely with our clients to produce images that represent their brand and vision, giving guidance along the way. Professional photography can seem like big investment but is an integral part of any marketing, and like good marketing it should pay for itself by creating engagement and driving sales.


We can help


A professional headshot is essential in business and helps you give the right impression to potential clients.

It doesn’t have to be a formal, corporate-looking headshot; if your business is a bit more hands-on we feel that your headshot should reflect that.

Food Photography

People buy with their eyes which is why we believe that the images you use in your marketing should be mouthwatering!

Our in-house photographer is a specialist in photographing food and will work with you to produce images that show your produce at its best and move your brand to the next level.


Videos are an essential addition to your website and marketing, the statistics show that visitor engagement is much higher on websites that have videos compared to those without.

Use video to promote products and services, create tutorials and webinars, and record interviews and customer testimonials.

Coneygarth Lakes & Lodges

Website Design & Development, Hosting, Photography

Mounfield Butchers

E-commerce Website Design & Development, Hosting, Photography, Videography, Graphic Design

Bert’s Pizzeria

Website Design & Development, Woocommerce & Tevalis Integration, Hosting, Photography, Menu Design, Graphic Design

MH Life Balance

Website Design & Development, Branding, Graphic Design

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