Case study
The Temple of Light

The Temple of Light is a collaborated business between Helen and Rachael where they have created an online portal of different online and offline holistic services.
We have worked with Helen for over 5 years to help develop her brand from Yes to Yoga to The Alchemy of Light and now The Temple of Light. Throughout the time we have worked with Helen and Rachael, we have created a list of online and offline media to represent their brand and support their business endeavours.
– Brand Strategy
– Branding
– E-commerce Website Design & Development
– Hosting
– Photography
– Packaging Design
– Graphic Design
– Video Editing
Web Services
The Temple of Light web project is a great example of choosing a good foundation and building on top of it. We used our WordPress and Advanced Custom Fields combination early on for this client, with other projects that evolved into this website.
Because we had made good formative decisions, we have been able to migrate older sections of the site to run in parallel with new sections. The Temple of Light site is actually 3 websites rolled into one, with a seamless user interface and user experience.
E-commerce Design
The website design for The Temple of Light had to deeply reflect the brands ethos and imagery. We used a subtle colour palette which was agreed upon in the logo/branding stage of the project. Since this website was evolved from Helen and Rachael’s previous businesses we had a strong idea on which way visually the website was going to look. We used a lot of visuals from previous projects and moved across colours and fonts to keep consistency. The website had to cater for being a ‘hub’ or ‘portal’ for different aspects of the business and had to be easy to navigate to different sectors of the site.
CMS and Migration
The predecessor projects for this site used WordPress but Gutenberg had not been developed at that time. When Gutenberg was merged into WordPress Core, we were keen to leverage its visual block approach, but migrating the layout builder used in the previous project to the block editor would be a relatively time intensive task. Instead, we adopted the older layout blocks into Gutenberg, tweaking design patterns to conform to the new user interface, we then added new design blocks to cater for the enhanced functionality. The result is this site can show custom design blocks through both methods simultaneously, saving the customer many hours of content migration.

Creative Services
With The Temple of Light and previous projects being heavily based on holistic services, etheric imagery was really important to our client to recreate, whether this was photography or photo manipulation.
As mentioned previously, The Temple of Light is a third iteration of brand we have created for Helen. With a previous client history and understanding of her likes and dislikes, we create a subtle and delicate brand to become the overall umbrella of the company. We have also worked on the sub brands of the company from logo to imagery, it was important that these brands would have their own identity as a stand-alone project, but also complement one another and The Temple of Light.
Graphic Design
We have worked on many graphic design projects from print work such as an A-board, flyers and posters. We moved onto more complicated designs such as photo manipulation, to create mystical and spiritual planes to represent the different sides of the business. Although a challenge, we loved working on these types of imagery, with in-depth conversations with the client we could create a mystical piece of art.
Packaging Design
One of the graphic design projects we worked on for one of the sub brands was packaging for essential oils. Since they are 15ml bottles the label would be small with a lot of information about the project. Working closely with Rachel we could convey her brand onto the label without compromising the design and information in limited space
Video Title Animation
We have created many title animations for both Helen and Rachael over the years, most recently for Sisters of the Sacred Grove, which they wanted to be “very magickal and encapsulate the mystical energy of the Sacred Grove”. We achieved this by making it look like the viewer was moving into the Grove, thus being welcomed in. Similarly, the outro involved the viewer ‘leaving’ the Grove. Both involved calming, magickal music chosen by Helen and Rachael.

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